Homeschooling is not always easy. In fact, it can get quite overwhelming.
There are so many things to juggle — and so much STUFF! Books seems to take over. Paper doesn’t really seem to have a “home.” Just getting your homeschool day up and running takes longer than you ever imagined. Stress elevates, frustration mounts, and joy is no where to be found — and you feel like you are living in a constant state of chaos.

I remember when I first started homeschooling. I definitely had some healthy fear and a lot of “what ifs,” but I was overall pretty starry eyed. I had these wonderful visions of sitting on the couch reading a classical book together with my toddler playing happily at my feet. Ha! Was I in for a big surprise?!

Clover Family Reinactment of our “Surprise?!”
I had no game plan to keep my little guy occupied while we tried to get school done. But it was more than that. The time it was taking me to get everything ready to actual start homeschooling took forever —and I’d inevitably not have what I needed for the day.
I quickly realized that something had to change. My quest to organize my homeschool began.

Over the years I have been tweaking the way I organize our homeschool and have come up with several systems designed to alleviate the stress and chaos that homeschooling can bring. I can’t wait to show them to you!
I designed this course to help you get on top of some of the craziness you are most likely experiencing during your homeschool day. My desire is to encourage you with practical tips and advice on how to plan out your year, simplify your day, motivate your kids — and have fun! If you’ve ever seen me live or watched my videos, you know my passion is to offer you “simple solutions for a more joy-filled life.” This course does just that! You are going to love it!

In this video-based course I'm sitting down with you and guiding you through how to implement all the amazing techniques you'll be introduced to throughout the course. Think of me as your personal cheerleader! Each video is filled with encouragement and #HomeschoolHacks!

Not too little and not too many! You have exactly what you need to prepare for your year ahead. They were all created with the goal of helping you simplify your planning and strategize for your best homeschool year ever. The last thing you need is more paper to wrestle with. I even have a video about how to create your very own simple, personalized planner.

“Never has organizing been so exciting and so doable! Kristi Clover takes the complication out of organization. Her systems and enthusiasm will inspire you to get organized and enjoy doing it too!”

“I've been homeschooling for 14 years, and thought I had seen and tried every homeschool organizational method out there, but Kristi's course was so inspiring and simple that I found fresh new ways to organize my homeschool without feeling overwhelmed by it all. What you will learn in this course fits any family size and homeschooling space, any method or curriculum. Truly, a fantastic resource for the homeschool mom!”

“Wow! What a blessing! I have been so encouraged by this eCourse. I am so thankful for the tools I have learned and the ease it has brought to my homeschooling. Her printables are priceless!! Kristi has a God given ability to organize and teach. This, along with her cheery personality, make this eCourse well worth the investment!”

“The Ultimate Homeschool Organziation eCourse is the next best thing to having Kristi Clover show up on your doorstep! With her bubbly personality and years of homeschool experience, she is able to provide real-life solutions to your homeschool organization needs. You won't be disappointed! As a homeschool mom of seven kids, I know how challenging it can be to stay organized! Kristi Clover provides homeschool moms with a wealth of information in this eCourse. Even after over a decade of homeschool experience, I still found lots of great ideas for organizing my homeschool plus printables to help me put all those tips into practice!”

Don’t let another homeschool year start off on the wrong foot. Join me in this Ultimate Homeschool Organization Course, and I’ll show you how to bring more peace and joy into your homeschool!