Are you a mom who sometimes struggles with feeling overwhelmed with all that mom life throws at you?


Unlock Abundance, Embrace Joy, and Refresh Your Mom Life!

Show me how!

Are you tired of...

Feeling like overwhelm is your constant companion? Does your clutter and the relentless ticking of the clock remind you of how exhausted you are and how you don't feel like you measure up? 

Yes! Please help!

What if I told you that you could master how to... 

✽ Efficiently balance all that needs to get done

✽ Organize your home in a way that brings beauty and peace to your family

✽ Experience freedom from mom guilt

✽ Feel refreshed even in the midst of the day-to-day challenges of #momlife

✽ Grow more connected as a family and have more fun

I'm in!

Let's M.O.M. Together!

Let my Simply Joyful M.O.M. Membership be like a soothing salve to your weary soul. Together, we can walk this journey of motherhood, conquer burnout, declutter your life, and master the art of time management. With this membership, you'll receive ongoing mentorship training from me and other experts, be part of a thriving community with other moms, and get encouragement and accountability to once and for all become the mom you were created to be.  

Hi, I'm Kristi!

I’m Your M.O.M. Mentor! Think of me as your #momlife coach.

I have over fifteen years of experience helping Christian moms like you get unstuck from the mundane and overwhelm of endless to-dos and discover abundant joy, satisfaction, and sanity in each season of mom life. I will teach you how to be more efficient in your home and life.

I'm a little obsessed with simplifying and streamlining things. My ADHD brain requires it. I like to say that I'm an efficiency expert. I have a unique talent for taking complicated information and condensing it down into organized, easy-to-implement systems. It's kinda my super power.

If we haven't met in person or somewhere in the online world before now, you should know a few things about me. First and foremost, I'm a Christian and am passionate about helping others grow in their relationship with the Lord. My husband, Steve, and I have been married for over 25 years. We have five kids. I guess I can't call my two young adult sons "kids" anymore, especially since my oldest is married. We all live in San Diego.

More fun facts: I'm the author of M.O.M.=Master Organizer of Mayhem—now you see why I keep spelling "M.O.M." as an acrynym—Homeschool Basics, and Sanity Savers for Moms. I hosted the Simply Joyful podcast for several years. My love for creating videos won out, so I decided to pour my time and energy into mentoring moms and helping them to discover how amazing life can be on the other side crazy. 

This membership is for you if...

✓ You feel burnt out and burdened with life. 

✓ You feel lonely and often fall into the comparison game. 

✓ You'd like to get to a place where you're making memories with your kids instead of feeling stuck under endless laundry. 

✓ You're lost in the mundane. 

✓ You would like to find more time to find yourself again. 

✓ You'd like a mentor mom to come alongside you and encourage you in areas you need help.

Yes! That's me! I want to join!

What you'll learn...

Makeover Your Mindset

Say goodbye to mom guilt and feeling overwhelmed as you learn to reset your mindset on scriptural truths

Take Back Your Time 

Establish better habits and routines to free up your time and have your calendar reflect your priorities

Simplify Your Home Life

Experience more freedom from chaos and mess as you implement efficiency hacks within your home

Create Healthy Habits

Incorporate healthy habits into your day that invigorate you and fill you up as you pour into your family

Cultivate Family Fun

Learn how to intentionally plan for fun, build family unity,  and create lasting memories of togetherness

Want a peak inside?!

These mentorship sessions are meant to encourage you as you navigate the challenges of motherhood. Each topic is designed to help you discover practical strategies to be more efficient in your home and life and learn how to overcome overwhelm. Most of these mentorship segments will include helpful printables for you to download and use to put what you've learned into practice.

Learn from the best of the best! During these Masterclass sessions, I bring in experts from various fields to share their knowledge. I ask them strategic questions to draw out their best advice. I can't wait for you to experience all the wisdom they impart to us.

This may be your favorite spot to check out! These video-based segments are short tutorials on how to get fast results in areas of your house and life. You're going to love hearing the practical tips and hacks that are shared here.

It's Implementation Week! I don't want you just consuming the classes and content. I want you to get success and experience refreshment! This week is designated for action. This module will have downloadables available to put into practice what you've learned. 

  • M.O.M. Together Community Access - ($560 VALUE)
    One of the best parts of this membership experience is the community! You get access to our private M.O.M. Together community hosted through Mighty Networks. This app-based community is unlike anything you've experienced before. This is a private community where we encourage and inspire one another in our motherhood—without the distraction of social media. Mighty Network communities on their own typically have a monthly price of $47/month. However, you have this powerful network included with your membership!
  • M.O.M. Mindset Reset - ($97 VALUE)
    Let's get unstuck from what’s holding us back in our lives as moms. Believe it or not, it starts in our minds. This unique M.O.M. Mindset Reset will help moms uncover the lies we tend to believe and how they affect how we live. Each "mom-tra" will direct you to replace those lies with God’s truth. You'll experience peace on a deeper level which in turn helps us live out your lives in a completely new, more joy-filled way. We'll learn to let go of mom guilt–and all the wrong thinking—we often don’t realize we’ve allowed real estate in our brains.
  • Pillars of H.O.M.E. Organization - ($47 VALUE)
    You will get immediate access to my Five Pillars of Home Organization. I want you to have a firm foundation on the best practices for getting organized, so I am giving you these five video-based lessons on the most efficient ways to approach a project. This training will have lasting effects on your home management, plus you will know exactly how to tackle any project you take on when you participate in challenges within the community.

  • BONUS: Make-Ahead Meal Planning - ($47 VALUE)
    This video course is dedicated to teaching you make-ahead meal strategies that will help you save time, money, and sanity. You'll learn tips on how to use the different kitchen tools and techniques to make your time in your kitchen more efficient.
  • BONUS: Holiday Meal Planning Made Easy - ($47 VALUE)
    Holiday meal planning doesn't have to be complicated! This course will help you to simplify your holiday meal planning and entertaining. I'll show you how to take the stress out of hosting big meals and parties, so you can enjoy your company -- and all the delicious food!




Just pick your plan!




  • M.O.M. Together Community on Mighty Networks
  • Monthly Mentorship 
  • Monthly Masterclasses
  • Monthly Quick Fix
  • Monthly How To → Go Do!
  • Monthly Zoom events in our Community
  • PLUS: The M.O.M. Mindset Reset
  • PLUS: The Pillars of H.O.M.E. Organization




  • M.O.M. Together Community on Mighty Networks
  • Monthly Mentorship 
  • Monthly Masterclasses
  • Monthly Quick Fix
  • Monthly How To → Go Do!
  • Monthly Zoom events in our Community
  • PLUS: The M.O.M. Mindset Reset
  • PLUS: The Pillars of H.O.M.E. Organization
  • BONUS: Make-Ahead Meal Planning Course
  • BONUS: Holiday Meal Planning Made Easy Course

The Simply Joyful M.O.M. Membership Program is designed to help you become the mom and homemaker God created you to be.

To make your decision to join even easier, we offer a 7-day "tried and applied" guarantee. Test drive the membership for the next 7 days and see if it's a good fit for you. Log into the resources, test out the program, and start diving into the membership community. If the membership is not helping you move forward in your mom life, reach out to us for a full refund (minus the small fees taken out by the payment companies). We want to make sure this is the right fit for you!

I Have Answers!

If you’re still thinking, “This sounds amazing but I’m still not 100% sure.” Keep reading…

You should give the Simply Joyful M.O.M. Membership a 14-day risk-free shot, if you’re motivated by any of the following...

I don't want you to miss out, the doors close soon! 


Understand Your Worth as a Mom!

 Think of this membership as an investment into yourself and your "mom" job! Mom life doesn’t come with a manual. Every family is unique and different. In business people take time to invest in their skills—why not motherhood? Everyone needs a mom mentor to encourage them and guide them with tried-and-true methods.

Understand that Time is Money!

This membership will help you get more time back as you learn how to get more done and enjoy more time with your family creating memories and having fun! The time you put into this membership will not only help you save time in your day-to-day routines, it will also leave you refreshed and inspired. That's time management mom-style!

Understand the Importance of Connection!

Motherhood can often leave you feeling like you're on an island. Between managing nap times, everyone's different schedules, daily to-dos, and exhaustion, moms can often isolate themselves without even realizing it. The M.O.M. Community is designed to be a place to connect with other moms in the throes of mothering.