How to Organize Your Homeschool Curriculum
Aug 15, 2015
How to Organize Your Homeschool Curriculum
5 Simple Systems to Help Your Homeschool Run Smoother!
When I first started planning to homeschool, I felt overwhelmed! So much to learn in so little time. I was desperate to figure out how to best set up our homeschool — & how to make it run smoothly!
I have tried various systems through the years as we've been homeschooling. Some things worked, other things flopped big time, & other things just needed a bit of tweaking. ;)
Well, I've finally found a great way to organize our homeschool curriculum. I know you will love it! You can always tweak it to make it work for your family if you need to.
Organizing Your Homeschool Curriculum
I've created a video that walks you through all 5 of my homeschool organizational systems. I'll briefly list them below along with the supplies you will need to get things set up.
Can I just say for the record that System #1 is going to rock your world? Well, it is! I've shared this with so many friends, & we all agree NOTHING makes our homeschool run better than this.
So, are you ready? I know so many of you have been asking for this post and video! I'm so excited to share it with you!
Okay, without further adieu — Here is System #1! Be sure to watch the video below for the full details!
Overview: You are going to love this! Basically, I organize our ENTIRE year in this crate! I sort it by week for each kiddo. I assign each child a color (I color code my kids with so many things). Then, are you ready for this? I tear apart almost all of our workbooks! Shocking! I know! I don't care if it's bound. I tear it apart and section it out by the appropriate number for pages for each week! Trust me, you'll thank me later!
- Crate designed for hanging folders
- Hanging Folders
- 3 Tab Cutless File Folders — 1 box per color (kid)
- Extra Multi-colored File Folder
Overview: I love how this system has been refined through the years. I think I finally have it the way I like it. My binder has two sets of subject dividers. The first set is for any daily work that needs to get separated out for the system above. I usually have my kids divide up their weekly work on their own. I obviously help out the younger ones. The second set of dividers is for any subjects that I want to be stored in the binder. This section is for final drafts or special work. Our history notebook pages get stored here.
- Large D-Ring Binder
- Pocket Tab Dividers: 5 Subject (for daily work) & 8 Subject (for other work)
- Page Protectors — These are AWESOME for creating "re-usable" work. You just stick a worksheet inside and use a dry erase pen! Great to use when you want to have subsequent children use the worksheets.
- Binder Pouch
Overview: I got so tired of not having a checklist that works perfectly for all the "hodgepodge" curriculum that I use, so I created my own checklist this year. Be sure to watch the video to see and hear how I put together each checklist & have it bound. I add lots of fun things to it. The fun "Get to Know Me" sheets can be found on this post. Note: I usually print my weekly checklists off on colored paper for each kiddo. I forgot this year and didn't feel like wasting ink, so I just used subject separator tabs (see link below).
Materials: Well, this one I just created myself. I'll try to figure out how to create some printables for you that don't require customization. :)
- Binding System (or office supply store)
- Binder Cover Sheet & Backing (for added protection)
- Subject Separator Tabs
Overview: This system is how we store the bulk of our core curriculum. The key thing that I mention in the video for this system is that I put one file folder in each hanging folder for tests. This way at the end of the year I can just toss the day-to-day work & just keep the tests.
- Hanging Folders (I usually get the colored folders for this system)
- Colored Tabs for File Folders (this links to one color, but there are a variety there, too)
- Multi-colored File Folder (you can use what is left from your extra box)
Overview: This is a simple system. It works great for younger kids. I separate out work by subject not day in this system. This is a personal preference. You can try it out by day or subject and go with whatever works for you.
Here is the Video That Makes This ALL Come to Life!
* This post contains a few affiliate links, both Amazon & others. Please see my disclosure page if you have any questions.
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