Indiana Jones and Your Homeschool

homeschool Jun 20, 2015
Indiana Jones and Your Homeschool

Indiana Jones & Your Homeschool

What do Indiana Jones and homeschooling have in common?

Both take a BIG step of faith!

One of my favorite scenes from Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade is when Indy is racing to try to get the cup of eternal life to save his father and has to go through a series of tests to get to the cave that holds the coveted cup. He made it through learning to be a "penitent man" and bowing low. He jumped his way through spelling out Jehovah in Latin. Last he came to the great chasm and knew it required a step of faith.

From the position he was in, it looked as though he would fall to his death. The trail ended. It looked hopeless. Yet his dad's notebook, which held clues to successfully getting to the cup, said that he must take a step of faith.

A BIG Step of Faith!

Indy's Big Step of Faith

So, foot held straight out, he took a deep breath and stepped off the ledge. But instead of plummeting to his demise, he found that there was solid ground. A toss of some sand, and he clearly saw that there was a way. He was not going to fall off the edge. He could walk confidently across safely to the other side. 

My Homeschooling Step of Faith

This is how I felt when I first started homeschooling! I felt like I was going to pull my kids out of school, and then start this death spiral to some unknown end. I was scared of what might lay ahead. What if I couldn't "pull it off?" What if they fell behind grade level? What if I didn't have what it took? What if my kids drove me crazy?

The "What Ifs" seemed unending.

But I knew that homeschooling was the path that God was leading our family on. I knew that it was Him that I was putting my faith in. The unknown was known by God. & He was calling me to make it...

A BIG Step of Faith!

I can't describe the peace that came over me as I prayed on my knees a few days before we officially took our kids out of school, "Lord, You have to show up if we are going to do this!" I felt as though He whispered to me through His Word,

I will "equip you with everything good for doing (My) will, and (I will) work in (you) what is pleasing to (Me) though Jesus Christ." Hebrews 13:21

I was not alone! The path may seem unclear before me like I might fall. But God knew the way He was leading me. My steps are firm when I walk with Him along the road (or off a path that looks like I might not survive).

And guess what? Almost seven years later, God has shown up every day I invite Him to be a part of our homeschool. Now, from my new perspective of looking back, I can clearly see the path He set me on -- just like when the camera panned out on Indiana Jones and we could see the path crossing the canyon. Funny how perspective gives you a new view on things!

What About You?

Are you fearful of starting a new homeschool year? Or starting for the first time? Remember, God will show up!

Remember to keep your eyes on Him, and not the scary-looking path ahead. When we take our eyes off Him -- whether in trusting Him with our homeschooling or any other area of our life -- we will sink.

"Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.  But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink..." Matthew 14:29, 30

So, I encourage to take that "step of faith" and "get out of the boat." God will show up!

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