12 Tips To Help You Organize Your Refrigerator

home + family home organization Aug 15, 2019
Organize Your Refrigerator

12 Tips To Help You Organize Your Refrigerator

"Organize Your Refrigerator"....UGH! Does that phrase run a cold chill down your spine? Who wants to do that? Sometimes it's just so much easier to push things to the back of the fridge and shut the door. But we are going to conquer that! Today I wanted to share a little bit about how I organize my refrigerator, which I hope in turn will encourage you to organize your refrigerator.

Marie Kondo? 

Marie Kondo seems to be taking the world by storm. I love that she's getting people thinking about clutter. I love seeing that people are excited to learn more about how to organize their homes--and how to bring more joy into their homes. Well, as a lot of you know, that is one of my passions: to help people find simple solutions to have a more joyful life.  Now I tend to approach home organization quite a bit different in many areas than Marie Kondo. So, I don't really ascribe to the Konmari method. However, I have been speaking on Home Organization for over 12 years and it is a joy to me to help moms find easier ways of doing things.

Hello again, refrigerator!

One thing that we are in contact with every single day is our refrigerator because as moms we're constantly having to feed the mouths that live within our home. So, today I thought it would be fun just to share a few simple ways that I actually use to keep my refrigerator looking and feeling good. I'm also going to show you a little behind the scenes and the before and after of inside my refrigerator.


So confession time.  Well, ahem, um...😱  I am going to show you what I found in my fridge that was from 2014! (Yes, I gasped out loud and my family wondered what was wrong.) Maybe it will help you get brave and organize your refrigerator.

Two Sneak Peaks:

Here's a sneak peek of two key things:

  • I label, label, label!
  • I LOVE using a lazy susan! 

I have shared all these little tips plus so much more in my new book, M.O.M.=Master Organizer of Mayhem. Please check out the book, be sure to preorder.  With preordering, you get an extra bonus!

Extra Bonus:

When you preorder you will also get my little mini-course on training your kids to help. I put it together just for you and your kids to get excited about getting organized with your mayhem.


...Now back to tips to help you organize your refrigerator and seeing my 2014, um- treasure.


Ready to go? Watch now!

Have you taken the plunge to organize your refrigerator lately?  I'd love to hear if this inspired you!


Other great #Momlife hacks you might enjoy:

Here is a list of a few tools and supplies to help you organize your refrigerator:



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