SJP #009: Lea Ann Garfias : Being Real & "Rocking" Your Ordinary Life!

author encouragement motherhood podcast Mar 13, 2017
SJP Episode #009 with Lea Ann Garfias Being Real &

Simply Joyful Podcast — Lea Ann Garfias: Being Real & "Rocking" Your Ordinary Life! 

You have to love it when God lines things up just perfectly! Last week we talked with Wendy Speake about finding ways to use our creative gifts to bless our family — and the world. As women and moms we can easily allow the busyness of life to consume us and snuff out those passions and dreams that we once had. I hope you were encouraged to realize that God gave you your gifts and talents — and you can and should still use them — it might just look a little differently than you originally thought. However, we also talked about how it starts at home.

Well, today God worked it out that this new interview with Lea Ann comes on the heels of Wendy's podcast. That wasn't what I had planned. I had these two ladies scheduled weeks apart. However, due to several different factors, they are back-to-back. And get this…today we a going to look at how to “rock your ordinary” life. So, we're talking about starting at home and pouring your heart into living out an extraordinary life…right in the middle of your “ordinary” day! Yep! God is good!

I hope you enjoy this conversation with Lea Ann! Get ready to be encouraged!


Highlights from This Show:

  • Lea Ann and I talk about how our lives can have an impact in other people's lives. When we stop striving for perfection and just “open the door” and be real with each other, we have the ability to bless others in a great way.
  • Lea Ann gives the encouragement that we need to be happy and and thankful for our own unique calling in life and not to be envious of others’ callings. God is calling us to rock the ordinary!
  • “God not only didn’t call me to that life, He didn’t even give me a desire for that life…my burden, my calling, isn’t to have the cutest house on the block and my calling isn’t to be even a podcaster.” — Lea Ann Garfias
  • Lea Ann shares the story of a trial in her life when her marriage was at stake and gives advice to listeners who have or are going through similar issues.
  • “We need to be honest, and that is a huge part of our commitment to one another. [We also need to be] able to share…the truth with our close friends who are supporting us. Finally, we each have to be willing to be honest with the Lord and tell God what is the real issue.” —Lea Ann Garfias
  • “…when we’re brave and when we’re honest, that’s when God can heal us and sanctify us and grow us more to be like Him; not only individually but together as a couple.” —Lea Ann Garfias
  • Lea Ann also talks about the importance of vulnerability and asking our friends for prayer and advice and gives examples from her life.
  • “I don’t have to pretend in front of her, I can ask her for prayer and she will pray for me. I can tell her that I have a sin that I’m wrestling with and she won’t judge me, because she’s a sinner too.” Lea Ann Garfias
  • “When we are being real with people and they see what God can do through that–that is the ‘testimony.'” —Kristi Clover
  • “If we can have the courage to be honest and open with our friends, we’ll find out that some of the stuff we’re hiding might just be normal behavior or just the regular way the world works, and we don’t have to spend so much time trying to hide things or brush stuff under the rug that really isn’t important.” —Lea Ann Garfias
  • “These little ordinary moments in our lives can have a tremendous impact on someone around us…just saying a nice word and [being] honest and encouraging…we don’t even realize how much that can relieve the burden from someone around us.” — Lea Ann Garfias
  • Lea Ann shares an overview of her past and what advice she has for women who have hard pasts and shattered dreams.
  • “If there are listeners who grew up in a dysfunctional family or from a background of abuse, they recognize it’s hard when you come out of a situation like that to untangle what the difference is between your Heavenly Father and your earthly father…” —Lea Ann Garfias
  •  “I have every human reason not to believe, but I can tell you, that it is my faith in God that has restored me to health. Not just physical health, but emotional and spiritual health. God has allowed me to see redemption and healing in relationships that, humanly speaking, you would never expect.” —Lea Ann Garfias
  • 1 Corinthians 12:12-27


Be Sure to Connect with Lee Ann Online:

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