SJP #026: Erin Odom: Hope for the Financially Frustrated
Sep 11, 2017
Simply Joyful Podcast — Erin Odom: Hope for the Financially Frustrated
Today we are going to be talking about a totally new topic—I don’t know why, but that makes me so excited! I’m really passionate about finances, and it’s not something I typically blog or podcast about. We’re going to be talking to Erin Odom about her new book, More than Just Making It. It is, as the tagline says, hope for the heart of the financially frustrated.
Erin actually has an amazing backstory because she grew up in the upper middle class, but was thrown into hard times with the economic crash. She’s a stay at home mom and even though she and her husband had no consumer debt, they were still struggling to make it. Erin soon found herself standing in line for food stamps and walking into bankruptcy court during the eighth month of her third pregnancy. This book is going to talk about her story, and how they got out of debt. She is the founder of The Humble Homemaker—a blog dedicated to grace-filled living and to encourage mothers in the trenches. You are going to love Erin’s southern charm and her practical content. You will feel like you have known her forever, and I know you are just going to be blessed by this episode!
I cannot wait for you to hear this episode! Get ready to be encouraged!
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Highlights from the Show:
- Erin shares a little about what finally made her decide to share her story of becoming financially broken—it was so very God-ordained.
- It’s so easy when we go through trials to keep quiet and not share this beautiful story that God is doing. —Kristi Clover
- Erin tells the story of her low point and how ashamed she felt.
- I didn’t know how much pride I had until I walked through that journey and God showed me my pride and he humbled me through it. —Erin Odom
- Erin talks about the misconceptions of government aid, and what the church’s role is for those in need.
- If the churches don’t have the means or resources to help someone in their time of need, what if we could be that person that walks beside them and helps them through that journey? — Erin Odom
- Erin shares about her turning point and different resources that helped her and her husband through that season. Financial Peace University
- Do you have a spending problem or an income problem? This is something Erin stresses (and talks about more in her book) that you know the difference between so that you can better fix your financial frustrations.
- Erin talks about the three spending mistakes that people make.
- If you can’t afford the expense of home ownership, you don’t need to buy a house. —Erin Odom
- Erin shares her amazing tips on meal planning and eating well. (I love the name of this chapter in her book—Eating Well on a Rice and Beans Budget—oh and the best part? No couponing!)
- Sign up for Erin's mailing list to receive Eating Well on a Budget HERE.
- When I don’t meal plan, I spend way more money, and it’s not always healthy. —Erin Odom
- In closing, Erin shares a little about creative ways to make money.
- Look at your passions, your gifts, and your personality. How has God uniquely gifted you, and how can you use that to create more income for your family? — Erin Odom
- What can God do with your gifts and hobbies to help bring in more income for your family? Dream big. — Erin Odom
Be Sure to Connect with Erin Online:
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