SJP #100: How to Awaken Wonder in Your Home with Sally Clarkson
Nov 18, 2020
The Simply Joyful Podcast — How to Awaken Wonder in Your Home with Sally Clarkson
Every parent desires for their children to develop a love for learning. Awaking wonder in the hearts of our children sounds amazing, but how do we do it and where do we start? Sally Clarkson is on the show today to tell us exactly how we can awaken wonder in our home and share about her newest book, Awaking Wonder!
Being that I'm in a new phase of parenting now that I have young adults in my home, I asked Sally about how to cultivate a home environment for learning and wonder even with older kids. Her advice was incredible: make your relationship a priority! Sally shares example after example of things she's done through the years to create lasting relationships with her kids and help them to become thriving adults. Admittedly, I have listened to that part of this episode multiple times...and took lots of notes!
I don't know about you, but I need more mentors in my life. I love pouring into the lives of younger moms, but we all need women who we can look to who have "been there and done that" in their families. It helps me to feel bolder in the decisions I make as a mom.
As you'll hear in this episode, I'm planning a fun M.O.M. Challenge for the end of January. The theme is to encourage moms to #MOMtogether — both in their home life and just in life. Parenting is hard work. It's so easy to second guess ourselves along the way. Not to mention that it's just exhausting at times. That's why I'm so passionate about encouraging moms to learn how to streamline all they do. Whether it's organizing in their homes or meal planning for dinner times or just how to be more efficient in their daily routines. We need each other! So, be sure to sign-up to learn more about the M.O.M. Challenge. I guarantee that you'll forget about it after the holidays if you don't sign up today!
I can't wait for you to listen in — or watch — and be encouraged!
*Show is linked below!
- Check out my Holiday Meal Planning Made Easy Course
- Listen to Awaking Wonder on Audible! Get it FREE with a new subscription!
- Join me in January for the M.O.M. Challenge!
- Awaking Wonder
- A Life-Giving Home by Sally and Sarah Clarkson
- Different: The Story of an Outside-the-Box Kid and the Mom Who Loved Him by Sally and Nathan Clarkson
- Only You Can Be You (children’s book) by Sally and Nathan Clarkson
- Mission of Motherhood
- Educating the Wholehearted Child by Clay and Sally Clarkson
- Life-Giving Table
- Own Your Life
- See more titles on Sally's Amazon author page
- M.O.M.=Master Organizer of Mayhem by ME! (Kristi Clover)
- Welcome Home by Myquillyn Smith
- My Amazon Store List! I've organized lists of all my favorite things for your home, family, and homeschool!
- My Homeschool Basics book written with Tricia Goyer
- My Keeping Kids Safe Online podcast episode with Kristen Jenson
- Kristen's “Turn-Run-and-Tell” poster (and other wonderful resources for FREE!) by going to her website here
- Accountable2You: we use this on our computers and smartphones
- Covenant Eyes: we use this on our computers
- DisneyCircle
- VidAngel: we filter most of our movies through VidAngel
- We research every movie and show via PluggedIn and/or CommonSense
- Bark is good to use as a parental control app
- American Girls: Social Media and the Secret Lives of Teens
- Passport2Purity: we go through this booklet with our kids at 13
Have you been able to check out all the fun Season 8 episodes over on my YouTube channel? I’ve had Brain Dixon (author of Start with Your People), Jessica Carey (author of Chart a Course), Jennifer Fulwiler (author of Your Blue Flame) — probably the funniest interview I’ve ever done, Kathi Lipp (a second interview about her newest book, Ready for Anything), Angela Braniff of This Gathered Nest on YouTube (her new book, Love Without Borders), Lisa Bevere (her new devotional, Strong), Amy Klien (co-founder of Give Her Courage), my friend Jennifer Pepito (talking about how to homeschool peacefully), and Shaunti Feldhahn (Thriving in Love and Money). Each interview is so great! So, be sure to head over there and check them out.
The holidays are upon us! It's time to start thinking about our holiday plans. I love that I got to chat with Myquillyn about how she prepares for the holidays. Her book really is so good and filled with such wonderful advice. However, she'll be the first to tell you it's not a meal planning book. She does have one exceptional tip for hosting when it comes to serving food: only make 2 things from scratch! Buy everything else from a store or have others bring something to share. I whole-heartedly agree. However, large family meals at the holidays sometimes requires a bit more planning. That's why I designed my Holiday Meal Planning Made Easy course! I want to help you plan and prep your holiday meal headache-free! This course also includes great tips for when you host family or friends for an extended stay and need to meal plan for more than one meal. You're going to love it! Check it out today!
Okay, on with the show. I know that you're going to love this episode with Sally! Get ready to be encouraged...either listening in or watching!
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You may not have seen that I have a brand new How to Homeschool webinar that is now available for instant access. This webinar is ALL of my best homeschooling tips gathered from the six years of speaking at homeschool conventions all wrapped up into one webinar. This is a crazy-amazing resource for you or anyone you know who may be considering homeschooling for the first time ever. With all the new homeschool families this year, I wanted to make sure they had all the best resources possible. The webinar goes over how to get started, how to homeschool simply (even without curriculum), how to balance homeschooling with working at home and just life, how to save money, how to homeschool your school-aged kids with littles in the house…and so much more!
Plus no matter where you are at with your homeschool or “schooling at home” journey, my Ultimate Homeschool Organization course is updated and on sale NOW!
Head over to to learn about the webinar or to check out my incredible course. I’ve helped over 1000 families learn how to thrive in their homeschooling and I’d love to help you too.
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