SJP #89: Simplify Your Health + Wellness with Megan Dahlman
Mar 12, 2020
Simply Joyful Podcast — Simplify Your Health + Wellness with Megan Dahlman
Today we have my new friend Megan Dahlman on the show. She is the mastermind behind I say mastermind because this woman is the master of fitness and nutrition. She is a mom, and she gets it. That's what I love about her. Megan knows what a post-partum body feels like. She knows what it's like to have screaming children needing your attention in the middle of trying to work out. She also knows what it's like to hide in the closet and eat chocolate—that endeared me to her right there. Megan does a lot of fitness coaching, and she even has a website dedicated to telling women how to get healthy and simple ways for moms to get fit. One thing to know about Megan is that she's not a model or an athlete, in fact, she'll tell you that she's really mediocre in all those areas. She does know so much about health, fitness, nutrition, and about being a mom. She worked in the fitness industry for over a decade and after getting fed up, she started her own company, Strong Mommas.
I do want to note, I'm putting a little bit of parental guidance on this episode. I know we've talked about my eating disorder in the past, but we go into a little more detail in this episode. If you're a mom, I'd love for you to listen to this episode before passing it along to your daughters (or sons). I just wanted to be careful about this topic of conversation.
I know that you're going to love this episode with Megan! Get ready to be encouraged!
In this episode of the Simply Joyful Podcast we discuss:
- Megan shares a little bit of what her business, Strong Mommas, is all about, and how her young boys live it with her. We chat a little bit about kids and fitness — I love how kids can just about make any object something to "work out" with.
- I feel like there are three camps of "health" as a mom. I go into a little detail in the episode on what I think those three camps are, but I asked Megan for ways that we can be persuing health. What are some of the mental challenges that women have to get over?
- It's so interesting how so many of the simple tips that Megan gives about health and fitness are the same ones I give for home organization! Megan and I chat about how when we slow down so many strategies across the board are so, so similar.
- I know that I've mentioned my eating disorder here before, but I share a little more background and dive in deeper with Megan. Even though it happened years ago, it still likes to rear its head. Megan and I chatted a little before the show, and she told me I had Anorexia Athletica. It blew my mind because I had never heard of this before (but she was so right!)
- Healthy fats ... we got to have them! Megan and I chat about all the food.
- We have to fix the way we think about food. It's a mental game. I asked Megan to share how we can get over our negative thinking about food and exercise.
- One thing Megan is so good at is practicality. She shares some tips on how we can be practical with health and nutrition. (She gives some great work out ideas if you're struggling with what to do in the time you have to do it!)
- Are you a mama who wants to work out, but just doesn't know what to do? I love Megan's program, Strong Mommas! She shares how it works all from the ease of your own home!
Resources, books, and links mentioned in this episode:
- I probably butchered it in the episode because I was trying to quote it off the top of my head (and the Bible app on my phone wasn't cooperating), but I love Proverbs 31:17 when it talks about arms being strong for the task.
- I first shared about my eating disorder on my episode with Laura Smith. It's a great episode if you haven't had a chance to listen, you should!
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You may not have seen that I have a brand new How to Homeschool webinar that is now available for instant access. This webinar is ALL of my best homeschooling tips gathered from the six years of speaking at homeschool conventions all wrapped up into one webinar. This is a crazy-amazing resource for you or anyone you know who may be considering homeschooling for the first time ever. With all the new homeschool families this year, I wanted to make sure they had all the best resources possible. The webinar goes over how to get started, how to homeschool simply (even without curriculum), how to balance homeschooling with working at home and just life, how to save money, how to homeschool your school-aged kids with littles in the house…and so much more!
Plus no matter where you are at with your homeschool or “schooling at home” journey, my Ultimate Homeschool Organization course is updated and on sale NOW!
Head over to to learn about the webinar or to check out my incredible course. I’ve helped over 1000 families learn how to thrive in their homeschooling and I’d love to help you too.
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