SPJ #014: Rhonda Stoppe: Raising Kids with No Regrets
May 08, 2017
Simply Joyful Podcast — Rhonda Stop: Raising Kids with No Regrets
We all need mentor moms in our life! This episode with Rhonda is cram-packed with awesome-ness. If you are a mom, YOU NEED to hear the wisdom & perspective that Rhonda shares! Seriously, I could not have picked a better way to end Season One of the podcast than with this amazing episode.
Rhonda rocked my world in this conversation. She is the ultimate Titus 2 mentor mom. She not only brings perspective to motherhood, but shares practical advice that I know will help me in my parenting…especially my parenting of my boys. To top it all off, Rhonda is so inspiring with her knowledge and memorization of the Word. She was quoting Scripture all throughout. Man, I was convicted that I need to do a better job making memorization a bigger priority. Incredible.
You will laugh and cry in this episode (good tears). I hope you love this conversation with Rhonda as much as I did. And I want to make sure to wish you a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! Get ready to be encouraged!
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Highlights from This Show:
- “We aren’t trying to raise perfect children, we’re trying to raise children who know how to recover from their mistakes.” —Rhonda Stoppe
- “Remember men crave respect, and they want to be loved by how they are respected by the women in their lives and that starts with their mother." —Rhonda Stoppe
- “Men speak shoulder to shoulder—as mom’s we have to have to realize how to be shoulder to shoulder with our son when he reaches that age?” —Rhonda Stoppe
- “You are raising a man, and you only have 18 short years to guide him toward a life that he can build so he can have no regrets.” —Rhonda Stoppe
- “God has plans for our kids and sometimes we have to let go of our dreams for them and realize that God’s ways are better.” —Rhonda Stoppe
- “Sometimes when God sends the lions, the tigers, the bears (oh my) in our children’s lives we shake our fists at God instead of stepping back and seeing that God gave us those incidences to see his character—to have us see His ways are above ours.” —Rhonda Stoppe
- “If we don’t trust Him in the everyday lives of our kids, we are going to control them.” —Rhonda Stoppe
- “Your kids are watching your life to see if what you say you believe about God is really what you believe about God." —Rhonda Stoppe
- “The student will become like the teacher—not like the way the teacher teaches the student to be.” —Rhonda Stoppe
- “We get caught up in all “good” things that become idols that we forsake the most important thing." —Rhonda Stoppe
- Jeremiah 29:11
- 1 Thessalonians 5:18
- 1 Samuel 17:37
- 1 Peter 5:8
- Psalm 119
- Philippians 4:8
- Psalm 139
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